The Center Of It All: Rudi & Rod Say “You Betch’a!”

Posted on August 14, 2010


Rudi Discovers The Center Of North America, Geographically Speaking

Actually it was Celeste who clued Rudi in to this spot as she saw the monument from her train car on the way out to Glacier. It is located in Rugby, North Dakota, about 65 miles east of Minot on Highway 2. It seemed fitting for Bertha to visit the center of the continent as she has carried Rudi to the farthest spots you can drive to on continuous roads north, south, and west. But wait, there’s more !

There is a little book titled “Lies Across America” that details the many biased, inaccurate, and downright lying historical markers dotting our landscape. The winners write the histories, remember? A massacre of innocents becomes a “glorious victory”, while the general on the stallion was actually a drunken looter on a mare, and the “early explorer” brought small pox infected blankets as gifts to the locals. So the moving of a geographic marker for commercial reasons is right on target.

North Dakota Rod On His Harley: Best Quote, "It's Great To Be Me!"

North Dakota Rod bounded out of the local cafe to offer to take my picture in front of the monument. He’s from a small town a few miles away and knew the best camera angles, and had one of the most engaging personalities of anyone we met on the trip. He could even out talk Rudi!

This is the CENTER of the North American continent, right? Then why is the cafe located in the same parking lot taking THIS as its name?

The "Center" Monument & The "Cornerstone" Cafe.

Missing A Marketing Opportunity? "Centerstone" Perhaps?

Rudi reluctantly rode off without solving this compelling mystery since he had to get to Grand Forks, North Dakota, where he would turn from east to south and plunge down the continent for the next two and a half days on I-29.

Photo Of The ACTUAL MAP Used By Rudi: Looking About As Wrinkled As Rudi, Too!

Rudi will end up at a cheap Days Inn in Watertown, South Dakota, tonight, where an encounter with a disagreeable fellow traveler would invoke Churchill-type vibes from Rudi and give him an opportunity to express “the grand insult” thrown over his shoulder at the end of the encounter. Stay tuned.

Sir Winston Churchill: A "Rudi Moment" Is Coming Up.


Environmental Fund Raising Site for Rudi G & Jesse

Please join Rudi & Jesse to help the environment by reading the message below, and taking action on it.

This trip, and this blog, are raising money for our favorite environmental non-profit, Georgia River Network. GRN advocates for, and protects, all rivers in Georgia. We produce videos for them to help raise awareness and money for their projects. If you are enjoying our trip blog, please join us in giving whatever tax deductible amount you can by going to our fund raising site at:

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Thank you.

Rudi G  & Jesse