Jesse Abandons Alaska Trip!

Posted on July 5, 2010


Jesse Abandons Rudi For Pizza! Is Trip Over?

Rudi’s odd habit of avoiding eating in restaurants, fast or slow, does not sit well with Jesse, who at 27, has a more powerful appetite. Jesse lets Rudi know this on Day Two, when Rudi offers yet another meal of Ramen noodles and canned tuna for dinner, washed down with stale water. Jesse mounts his KLR and heads for Banff muttering darkly.

Jesse Leaves Rudi, High & Dry

Rudi watches for bears and enjoys cheap noodles for several hours. He begins thinking he may have lost his companion before the trip even begins. Over noodles?  He envisions Jesse coming back, packing up, and heading home to Angel, and even Rudi wouldn’t blame him. Oh Woe!

The putter of the KLR breaks into Rudi’s depression and shortly a laughing Jesse tells of buying pizza, getting lost, seeing two bull elk in a field, getting lost again, and taking photographs of beautiful Two Jack Lake at sunset. Getting lost and having fun being lost? He even saved a slice of pizza for Rudi.

The Rebel Becomes Rudi J

Is Jesse turning into a Rudi Junior? Is Rudi G going to be joined by Rudi J? Hot damn! Oh Woe!

Flash! Update! Boys found in Ross River July 4th

Jesse and I are at Ross River in the Yukon where we spent the night in the only hotel in town (pop. 313). Have a slow wifi here and putting up some posts but not all as it’s almost 10 a.m. and we have miles to ride to get to Chicken today, or Dawson City.

The Dusty/Muddy Boys on Route 4, "Rough" Says the Guidebook, "Fun" Say the Boys

Easier going than yesterday which saw 225 miles of rough dirt and mud and gravel from Watson’s Lake. Only locals and miners use Route 4 up here, First Nation aboriginals mostly. In fact two Lower Post tribesmen tried to talk us out of coming up the road, saying it was way too rough for us. But no! So we got here. Over 245 miles with no gas etc. I was coasting down every hill from mile 0 to mile 245 to stretch the tank. Then the gas station here was closed! So we spent the night.

Off again on 120 miles of dirt to Carmacks and then Dawson city and maybe Chicken.

Update Completed: Back to Regular Programming Maybe in Two Days.


Environmental Fund Raising Site for Rudi G & Jesse

Please join Rudi & Jesse to help the environment by reading the message below, and taking action on it.

This trip, and this blog, are raising money for our favorite environmental non-profit, Georgia River Network. GRN advocates for, and protects, all rivers in Georgia. We produce videos for them to help raise awareness and money for their projects. If you are enjoying our trip blog, please join us in giving whatever tax deductible amount you can by going to our fund raising site at:

The site is safe and secure and the folks at Georgia River Network make sure your donation has an impact.

Thank you.

Rudi G  & Jesse