Video of Fairbanks to Arctic Circle! Rudi & Jesse Recovering, Slowly

Posted on July 12, 2010


Jesse At Deadhorse/Prudho Bay

The boys returned from Deadhorse on Friday night near midnight, in bright sunlight, only to find that there was no campsite available where they had planned to stay. This after another 13-hour, 521 mile day. It rained for the final 30 miles on the Dalton and the roads, as predicted, turned slippery as “owl snot”, the local’s words to describe treacherous conditions. (Rudi suggests that “owl snot” is really “owl s..t”, only cleaned up for the tourist brochures.)

Rudi at Deadhorse/Prudho Bay

After being turned down at four motels, they found one as desperate as they were, and their $2o.00 campsite turned into a $200.00 hotel room, but with a shower! Gray dust turned into gray mud and washed down the drain as grog was consumed in larger quantities than usual.

Jesse allowed as how he was hit with a feeling of accomplishment as he rode the final few miles of the Dalton is the slippery conditions. Rudi did too. Not pride, just a feeling of having seen a part of the world few people have the opportunity to visit, and done it on a motorcycle, a joy just by itself. More on the awesome views in later posts.

The boys spent Saturday cleaning 50 pounds of caked mud and dust off the bikes, fixing a few issues exacted by the Dalton, and re-packing their stored gear for a 100-mile ride south to meet the girls in a RV campground on the Nenana River, heading for Denali.

It was a joyful reunion, with some late sleep and quiet fishing on Sunday. Monday is blog update day, briefly, and then on to Denali State Park for fishing, hiking, and more R&R.

But before we go, here from the boys is a 3:20 video of the first part of their Deadhorse Ride. Enjoy it as much as they did, friends. Thanks for your good wishes and e-mails, promise we’ll respond as we get back to some routines.

Rudi & Jesse

Environmental Fund Raising Site for Rudi G & Jesse

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This trip, and this blog, are raising money for our favorite environmental non-profit, Georgia River Network. GRN advocates for, and protects, all rivers in Georgia. We produce videos for them to help raise awareness and money for their projects. If you are enjoying our trip blog, please join us in giving whatever tax deductible amount you can by going to our fund raising site at:

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Thank you.

Rudi G  & Jesse